This lecture aims to be an introduction to electronic literature practices. During the lecture and workshop, We construct e-lit concept by regarding the cultural context from historical examples coming from the book history, print literature and visual arts Also We review and analyze artworks coming, mostly, from the e-lit collections (I,2,3)
Mapas Oniricos (Oniric Maps) is a workshop that explore dreams thought digital narratives using UX wireframing technique and Twine tool to do it.
This session of Oniric Maps was developed by the obscure and probably sinister character of “Espectrito” . 😉
Presentation |PDF
Thanks Pieter Bloome and my KASK classmates , for this great experience and invitation. My special gratitude to Scott Rettberg for his attentions and for sharing his book “Electronic literature” A lot of this class was based on his book. And sure , thanks Nick Montfort for sharing his time .