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Demo party international .
Synchro·ny·2019 | “No borders ”
Global unification Mental unification
Amiga Atari or any old hacking trick
Synchrony is a Demoparty that begins in New York City, continues on an Amtrak train, and concludes in Montreal.
“Synchrony is about being creative with computers, and seeing how computers can produce amazing sorts of animation, graphics, music, and other experiences. At the end we have Compos competitions . The party encourage deep engagement with how computers function. This can mean programming them at low levels, for instance, and being aware of how soundchips and character sets work. ”
More info https://synchrony.nyc
2019-01-11 —— 2019-01-12 | New York City —— Montréal
Unfortunately, I ll not be able to join the party. I hope one day we can do a Demoparty , that goes from the east to the west, from north to south
“No border, the land owns us.”
Thanks Nick Montfort for the invitation

Music behind