This workshop started as Maria Mencia iniciative during Viral:Imagina in 2020. The original name was Prácticas Digitales Creativas: Sanación a través de la comunidad. [ Creative digital practices: Healing trough the community ].
The aim of the workshop is to make visible — through sharing — social, personal, or collective issues/challenges which had become more apparent during the Covid 19 global pandemic and to induce meaningful conversations through the production of creative digital proposals to heal them. All the participants response are anonymous.
During the first iteration on Viral, my role was providing Maria -the facilitator- and the participants everything that they need. For example, I randomized and distributed participants stories. Also,I allowed participants cameras to be played. Lets say, I was playing to be the algorithm
From a system perspective, this workshop is about randomly exchanging anonymized stories between participants during an online workshop
Since then, We have modified the logic, mechanics and visual aesthetic of the workshop experience different times. For instance, the first prototype for ELO21 we were aiming to provide an user interface that automatically distribute and visualize participants stories. We successfully did it but due the stories matching distribution system, we implemented an in log time based experience, where participants accessibility was allowed only during a period of time. As consequence the experience turned to be very hard for natural erratic events, such as time and technological misfortunes. For instance, people that arrive out of time couldn’t join; Or other participants were already inside the virtual room but they lost their internet connectivity and they could not re-join the workshop.
So we have to over come on these challenge, and besides that the project has not arrive yet to the final stage. We are very proud and happy with the result of this second prototype V2.
We also invite a new participant Pietro Paresi, italian game designer/developer who is in head of the development.
Features of Share to Heal Workshop V2
- Simplify the login experience
- Develop a bilingual web experience (Spanish and English)
- Implement a User panel that:
- Optimize the user access by allowing the user to return at any time during the workshop experience.
- Update the user name at any time
- Upgrade the Control panel that allows the facilitator during each experience :
- To name the workshop session
- To open a workshop
- To end the workshop at any moment.
- To distribute the stories based on the workflow of each community
- Display the archive from previous workshop experiences.
- Optimize the back end communication with the database (MongoDB)
- Enhance the UX by improving the user journey with a “one button experience”
- Unify visual language in the UI for different monitors, such as: Typography, Sizes, buttons, colors and template.
- Re-design a new logo that works for both languages.
Thanks to all the volunteer and academics that have provide a feedback during each group test (29.09.21, 12.10.21,15.11.21 ) Deena Larsen, Dene Grigar, Mark Marino, Pilar Morales Vernice Marquet , Oreto Doménech Thanks
If you are interested in inviting us to your own community, please drop me a line.
Thanks to the financial support of Kingston University We could make Share to heal an open source project.
Please, feel free to use and modify the code for your own pedagogical projects
This project is part of my research Remediating the collaborative storytelling workshop into digital mediated spaces in LUCA School of Arts, KU Leuven; Belgium