Mapas Oniricos in Research-CReation Merging the critical and the creative

Hey, I was invited to perform “Oniric Maps ” in the context of “Research-creation: merging the critical and the creative” at the Vrije Universitait Amsterdam This online course highlights artistic practice as research, and the act of creation as a form of knowledge in and of itself. Oniric Maps is a workshop that explores dreams through digital narratives by using UX prototype techniques and tools to do it. The project fosters the remediation of written language within the networked and programmable environments, by remembering, deconstructing, rearranging and symbolizing dreams experiences. Also there will be really cool workshops experiences, about new materialism, queer theory and climate change with authors such as, Emilia Thorin, Fabian Holle, and Gustavo Valdivia Join us ! Thanks a lot to Alexandra Greene, for her invitation to this program…/research-creation-merging-the…/overview

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