Bucle at #ELC4

I am very honored that my work “Blucle, archivo de ficciones” is part of the Electronic literature collection Vol 4 Bucle is a hyperfiction story based on the life and work of Ulises Carrión, it is a risk taking, a digital exploration of the PDF format based on several ideas exposed by Carrión in the famous …

Some other workshop Manifest (Drafts)

Originally, the objective of the workshop was the production of the common good. Since medieval times, the workshop has been a place for learning and teaching craftworks. For example, xylographic printing workshops, typographic cutting and foundry workshops, typesetter and illuminated manuscripts, among others. The creation of a single object, such as a book, united various …

“Trueque de agentes no-humanos” en Mujeres y Naturaleza | Próximo Viernes 6 de Mayo

Vengan a jugar un rato esta remediación del taller de Trueque de objetos no físicos (origialmente online ). Durante este taller-experiencia intercambiamos entidades, interpretamos y usamos como monedas nuestras experiencias o historias propias. El taller es facilitado por Jepetto , un cojunto reglas de juego y sus cartas. Les esperamos. Nota: el Taller se jugará …

Share to Heal Workshop V2

This workshop started as Maria Mencia iniciative during Viral:Imagina in 2020. The original name was Prácticas Digitales Creativas: Sanación a través de la comunidad. [ Creative digital practices: Healing trough the community ]. The aim of the workshop is to make visible — through sharing — social, personal, or collective issues/challenges which had become more …